Treatment Options for Bipolar Disorder among Teens
Bipolar disorder is a very difficult mental illness to deal with for both teens and parents. Children suffering from bipolar Teen assist helps with Bipolar Disoderdisorder have constant mood swings, and may even have wreck less behaviors when in their manic state.
You may see your teen withdrawal and have a depressive attitude for days, and then suddenly they are on top of the world and feel as if they are invincible. These behaviors are very dangerous and affect the life of your child deeply.
They may have difficulty in social situations and these constant mood swings can take a real toll on your child’s self-esteem.
If your teenager is struggling with Bipolar Disorder and you are seeking a residential center to help, please call 800-781-8281 and speak with our Bipolar Disorder specialists today.
Residential Treatment Centers for Teens with Bipolar Disorder
Many teens with bipolar disorder often state that they just want to “be normal”. They are normal, and there is nothing wrong with Bipolar Disorder treatment for teens your child, other than the need for them to get their disorder under control and start living a healthy life again. A teen with bipolar disorder is often put on heavy medications that will put them in a zombie like state. While some medication is beneficial, the doctors will continue to increase the amount of medicine when your child is still showing symptoms. An increase in medication is not the answer.
Therapy and behavioral modifications offered through a treatment programs is the answer through your child’s needs. Through therapy, your child can learn about their disorder and begin to recognize as they are going through the state of mania and hymenia. When your child is able to recognize one of these stages approaching, they can take control. By taking control your teen knows that it is their bipolar disorder causing them to feel this way, and they will be strong enough not to give in.
Therapy is not the only benefit your child will receive while receiving help from a bipolar disorder treatment program. Here at Teen Assist, we have gathered an extensive list of different types of treatment programs in every area, and have information of what exactly these programs can do for your child. Your child doesn’t have to suffer anymore, and you can give them this opportunity for change by allowing Teen Assist to help you find the best treatment program available.
Teen Assist locates qualified Bipolar Disorder Treatment Centers for Teens in need.

We Help and Treat Teenage Eating Disorders
If your teen is struggling with eating disorders, it can be a very scary time for a parent. You may not understand what is causing this issue,Teen Eating Disorder help and many times your child does not understand it either. There is a common mistaken knowledge that teens who suffer with eating disorders are trying to lose weight.
This is far from the truth and the underlying issues of an eating disorder go much deeper than that. There are a few different reasons why a teen develops an eating disorder. If you have a teenager boy or girl struggling with an eating disorder, we have professional treatment centers that can help.
For immediate information please call 800-781-8281. We are here to help.
Reasons Why a Teen Develops Eating Disorders
One reason why a teen develops an eating disorder is because they suffer from low self-esteem. When they look in the mirror, they are not happy and they feel that the skinner they are, the better they will look. Even when you teen has become very skinny and looks unhealthy, they still see a fat, ugly person in the mirror. The only way to break this cycle is to get help for troubled teen eating disorders through a professional program. By gaining positive self-esteem and learning to use different methods of coping, your child can recover from the eating disorder that is having a negative impact on their life.
Another reason a teen develop eating disorders is because they feel they have no control in their lives. When controlling their weight and Teenage Eating Disordersthe food that goes into their body, your child feels that they have some type of control. These habits continue on and progress as your child gets older without the proper help for troubled teen eating disorders. Your teen may become so fixed on controlling their weight that they can become very skinny, and even die from continuous malnutrition.
If your child is struggling from an eating disorder, you need to intervene right now and get the right treatment for your child. Each day you spend waiting to get help for your child is another day of risky behavior that can lead to serious consequences. Your child needs help with this problem and you can give it to them through a therapeutic program that works with teens who are struggling with eating disorders. By getting to the core issue of your child’s disorder, they can change and replace the eating disorder with positive behaviors in their life.

Reactive Attachment Disorder and Struggling Teens
Reactive Attachment Disorder affects many teenagers who have been adopted. Is your adopted, struggling teen, “defiant, Help for Reactive Attachment Disordermanipulative, and unable to give and / or receive love, lies about the simple things, sexually inappropriate, superficially engaging and charming”? If so, your struggling teen may suffer from RAD, Reactive Attachment Disorder, which occurs in youth from a failure to form normal attachments to primary caregivers in early childhood.
If your adolescent or teen is showing signs of RAD, please contact our admissions department to learn how treatment can bring healing and offer hope.
Call 800-781-8281 for help with Reactive Attachment Disorder today!
Help for Reactive Attachment Disorder and Adopted Teens
In working with families that have adopted children, I have found that parents are in the best position to explain the true nature of an adopted child’s behavior. Parents typically experience signs that their child isn’t developing healthy bonds within the family and also in their peers. It’s also more prevalent for the struggling teens with Reactive attachment disorder to display their symptoms more intensely with their mother that their father. Here you will find some general symptoms that a parent have shared with me when seeking help for their daughter who is struggling to maintain healthy boundaries, demands to be the center of attention and negatively seeks that attention and is very deceptive in their interactions.
Parents often say, “My RAD child has difficulty in giving and receiving love”. Many parents struggle with the question, “Does my child love me?” Even though the struggling teen may have been a member of the family for several years, parents often are uncertain of their child’s genuine, loving feelings for them. • At most levels of severity, reactive attachment disorder children will have difficulty accepting or seeking out physical affection and touch. If you touch a child with RAD, often he will recoil or flinch and say, “Ouch,” even though your touch is gentle and should produce no pain.
Typically, all parents express their struggling teen has control issues. The key question is, “How extreme or intense is their need to beStruggling teen with reactive attachment disorder
in control?” They are oppositional, argumentative, disobedient or often defiant. They are exceedingly strong-willed and will go to great extremes to be in charge. Their need to control comes from their intense fear that further harm will occur if they are once again as helpless as they were as babies. • Another common description is they have problems with anger. Many will express their anger overtly, having frequent temper tantrums and a short frustration tolerance. A smaller percentage of children will be passive-aggressive and engage in annoying, frustrating, and aggravating behavior.
Parents describe their child as being devoid of a conscience. In some of the severe cases we’ve seen, it’s as if their conscience is entirely absent. They lack or express the lack of remorse, regret, or guilt when they violate their parents’ or other people’s rights. • The one common expression with every parent that has a child with RAD states that their child has trust issues. They do not trust their parents and the parents cannot trust their children. The severity of trust issues is directly related to the severity of the RAD condition.
We specialize in working with teen girls, ages 12 to 17 that have been diagnosed or even those suspected of suffering from RAD. Part of the therapeutic process in working with these teens is to increase the responsiveness and sensitivity of the caregiver. They maintain a structured and consistent schedule which provides a sense of stability in their daily schedule. Their communication with peers and staff is monitored and the ability to positively challenge negative behaviors is more conducive in this environment. As they become more aware of their responses and reactions to others, they are able to begin forming healthy bonds with their peers. Please call our Admissions Department today to discuss your teenage daughter who may be struggling with Reactive Attachment Disorder. Call 800-781-8281 today. If your teenager is struggling with Reactive attachment disorder and has been adopted through the state of California, funding may be available.
Call today! We serve struggling teens suffering from Reactive Attachment Disorder from across the nation.